2 minute read time.
9110f1e08314e817d1786ada0ed659ec-huge-people-2.jpgAs Chairman of the Retired Members Section Committee, I’d like to  firstly remind you that the Manchester Network of the IET has a Retired Members Section and secondly to ask whether you would be able and willing to assist us to continue our activities in the future.


The Retired Members Section in Manchester has been in existence since the 1993-4 season and organises lecture meetings and technical visits on topics and to companies and other organisations that are of interest to Electrical Engineers (and since the formation of the IET) of interest to those who would be members of the IET. Attendance at any of these events is not restricted to those who are retired or over a ‘certain age’, although the subject matter is aimed more at those in that category. Also, it is possible to hold meetings and visits during the daytime (as well as evenings) to suit those who are retired. These events provide a social contact with others of similar interests, training and technical background.


In recent years the Committee has organised around six events per year, of which many have been technical visits to companies, industries and other organisations not normally accessible to everyone (e.g. Ferranti (ZETEX) semiconductors, Philips (now NXP), Leyland Trucks, Bentley Motors, the Dinorwig Power Station, Airbus at Broughton, Crich Tramway Museum, Alstom Train Care). We have also arranged guided tours of other attractions with more detailed technical explanations than is given to the average tourist. Lectures have included topics of local technical and historical interest. Attendance at our events shows that there is a continuing interest in things technical amongst retired engineers and on many occasions amongst wives and partners.


Due to people retiring from the committee we have an ongoing need for new members to join us to plan and arrange our programme for the coming years. The Committee meets only four times a year and members could expect to be involved in setting up one event per two years which is hardly onerous. Many of us have now seen several years of service and new members with new ideas would be very welcome.


We are currently considering ways to broaden the attraction of our events and there is no reason why the Section should not organise events in other fields of interest subject to finance being available.


Please will you think about whether you would like to join us and help provide a continuing programme of events for all who have an interest in matters technical. There is a lot we can do and we would like to do more. If you would like to know more, please contact me via email here.


I look forward to hearing from you,


Pete Hicks, Chairman, IET Retired Members Committee, Manchester