3 minute read time.

Foothold logoSo far this winter, Foothold have provided almost 400 grants to engineers facing hardship. But there’s still more we can do to support the engineering community at this challenging time – and we need your help.

Like us, you'll know that winter can be a really difficult time for people, emotionally, physically and financially.

And whilst Spring is fast approaching, there are some people in our community who are still struggling to cope. And the cost of living crisis is making this worse. Simply keeping warm and putting food on the table has become a financial and mental burden for many.

That’s why you may have noticed we launched our Winter Support Fund appeal back in December, to raise vital funds for engineers and their families who are really struggling right now.

"My wife was diagnosed with cancer in 2021, and is halfway through her treatment. She has not been able to work since her diagnosis, and we are now struggling financially."”


"I am finding it very hard since my husband died. Due to my condition I have to stay warm. But I can’t afford it. I will be grateful for any help."

Thanks to the support of engineers like you, we’ve managed to raise over £14,000 since the start of the appeal. This has enabled us to:

  • Respond to 383 calls for support

  • Provide almost 400 financial grants

However, this is still only half of the amount we anticipated we would raise to provide our full support for the engineering community.

That’s why we need your help to raise vital funds this winter, so we can continue to be there for vulnerable engineers and their families when they need us most.

The difference your support makes

"Foothold’s support has been a godsend to us. They literally saved me from bankruptcy and a life on the streets. And I’ve been able to be a good father and get my son the support he needs too."”


"We’ve been through such an ordeal as a family – it makes me feel emotional just thinking about it. Within a few days of my call, I got a response with an offer of support. I’m just very, very grateful that Foothold had my back."

Our team have been working really hard to provide engineers and their families with the support they need to make ends meet. But the rising cost of living is putting extra pressure on our own resources. And every day, we’re receiving even more calls for support from the community.

We urgently need to be able to provide more financial grants so as many people as possible can make it through to Spring with the support they need.

Grants help ensure people can:

  • pay essential bills

  • feed their families

  • access urgent healthcare

  • keep a roof over their heads

We rely on donations to provide these life-changing grants. That’s why I, and everyone at Foothold, are asking you, if you can, to please consider supporting your fellow community members by donating even just a small amount to us today.

How your donation can help

Together, we can make these darker days a little brighter for those who need it most.

If you’d like to and are able to make a donation to Foothold today, please visit our Donate page. Thank you.

Here for you too

And remember, we’re here for you and your family too. No matter what the problem, large or small – get in touch and we’ll do all we can to help.