1 minute read time.
It has now been a year since the launch of IET Career Manager v3, so we thought it would be a good chance to give you an update on what has been happening since the launch.


One year ago, on the 24th June 2013 after an extensive period of user acceptance testing with our volunteers and with updated and added functionality, we switched over from our v2 of Career Manager to v3.


Following initial feedback from early adopters of the new system, and with the enhanced change control functionality we had built into the tool, we have been able to apply some minor changes mainly to the labelling and guidance to ensure that Career Manager v3 continued to be embraced by its users.  With a steadily increasing user group of approximately 8600 users now using the new version of Career Manager, and 4689 brand new users since launch, it is clear that this continues to be a highly successful protocol to follow, .


We are now working on the next service release which will include some more noticeable enhancements which are informed by feedback from users, staff and volunteers. 


We would like to know what you think of Career Manager, what you like or feel we could improve on the tool. We are continually looking to improve Career Manager to make it an invaluable benefit of being a member of the IET. To see what we improved and added on Career Manager v3, you can see our functionality and benefits overview.


Log onto Career Manager and try it out, or if you would like to know more about the system we have support available for new and current users such as our webinars and user guides.

If you have any comments or queries about the Career Manager system then please contact us at: careermanager@theiet.org or leave your comments below.