3 minute read time.
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Sorry for the delay in posting the info about the IET’s Communities Volunteer Conference (CVC) on the CC-AP communities. Around 300 IET’s volunteers from around the world gather at Savoy Place for the volunteer conference. It was great to meet, share ideas and learn from each other.

Outline of Programme:

Friday 17th June 2016

08:30 – 09:00    Registration for Plenary Session

09:00 – 12:00    Plenary Session

-     Presentation by President of IET, Naomi Climer,

-     Sharing session: importance of volunteers to the IET,

-     CPD presentation,

-     Finance presentation,

-     Summary of the morning session by Nigel Fine.


12:00 – 13:00    Lunch


13:00 – 17:30    Communities Conference

- Presentation from CRC (Communities Resourcing Committee)

- Presentation from YPCC (Young Professionals Communities Community).

- Sharing session on Building online communities: how the Southern California Network uses Engineering Communities.

- TPN presentation - Healthcare Technologies and Tribology.


- Break out session (more info can be seen on https://communities.theiet.org/communities/discussions/538/990)

Group 1: Will we still need LNs in 2021?

Group 2: Why do you volunteer?

Group 3: What can we do to attract new volunteers?

Group 4: What more can be done to retain volunteers?

Group 5: How can we improve communications between LNs and the membership?

Group 6: What benefits could be introduced to add value for overseas members?

Group 7: What else could the IET do to enhance the benefits of membership for our Young Professionals?

Group 8: What more can LNs and TPNs do to contribute to CPD activity?

Group 9: How can we improve collaboration and communication between LNs and TPNs?

Group 10: What makes a perfect LN?

Group 11: What do you want to see from an online community?

Group 12: How can we improve communications between volunteers and staff?

Group 13: What makes a perfect TPN?

Group 14: Will we still need TPNs in 2021?


18:30 – 21:00    Evening Networking Reception and awards ceremony

Saturday 18th June 2016

09:00 – 13:00   

-     Communities Conference (breakout into regional stream).
On behalf of Karla, Dr Bicky chaired the CC-AP session. The proposed CC-AP strategy was shared and valuable feedback was well received Thank you.
At the end of the session, Dr Bicky presented CC-AP awards to the following:

  • Best engagement with the under 40's or students - IET Malaysia

  • Most Operational Excellent network - IET HK network

  • Most Content generating network - IET West Australia Network

  • Most innovative event - IET Victoria Australia Network

 -  Report from Chairperson from each regional stream

-   Q&A session 

13:00 – 13:30    Lunch

13:30                Close



Please click on the link below for photos and more information about the CVC: https://storify.com/IETCommunities/the-iet-global-volunteer-conference

For the presentation slides please visit > https://communities.theiet.org/communities/files/538


During the CVC, IET TV was recording some of the session. Please feel free to view it at:




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