1 minute read time.

Earlier in the summer the IET Automotive & Road Transport Systems (ARTS) Technical Network, sponsored several prizes at a conference organised by students at the University of Bath, Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems Centre for Doctoral Training (AAPS CDT).

The conference covered several themes:

Integrated transport systems,
Energy efficient and clean propulsion technologies
Development of sustainable fuels
Mobility behaviour change
Automation and digitalisation

These aligned with topic areas of interest to the ARTS TN and in addition to the two categories of talks i.e., long and short (lightning), there was also a poster session which they also supported. Each prize winner and runner-up received an Amazon voucher and certificate.

The conference was well supported with over 100 attendees and included several visiting guest speakers.  The TN would like to thank Dominic Harborne, an IET volunteer who kindly presented the prizes on their behalf.

(Left to Right: Ryan Hughes: Session Chair, Dominic Harborne, Joris Simaitis - Runner-up Best Long Talk, Elisabetta Schettino - Best Poster, Lucia Burtnik - Runner Up Best Poster, Rita Prior Filipe - Best Lightning Talk).  Pete Dyson won the prize for the Best Long Talk but unfortunately had to leave before this photo was taken).

For more information, read what the AAPS student had to say about the conference.