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The latest newsletter provides information about a number of high quality events that the Healthcare Technologies Network is either organising or supporting in the coming months.


Please see the HTN MyCommunity page for reports on recent events that have been organised or sponsored by the HTN, including Dr Michael Taylor’s invited talk at the UCAMIIWAAL2014 conference in Belfast in December.

We have been blogging an increasing volume of news and updates relevant to the community and have seen a lot of interaction via our Twitter feed, @IETHealthTech.


Coming up on the events calendar we have:  

ee8d4d2287d8e8c3800c1078dc58be08-huge-healthcare-awards-160x228.jpgThe Healthcare Technologies Student and Early Career Awards 2015 – 25 Feb (1 Birdcage Walk)

This is one of a number of joint initiatives with the IMechE, the first being last year’s inaugural Joint Lecture by Prof. Sir Mike Brady. We are delighted that the new format has already achieved its aims of raising both the numbers and quality of applications. We are very excited by the shortlisted candidates and look forward to seeing them present their work first-hand to their peers in London next week.


IET/IMechE Joint Lecture 2015 - How to (successfully) apply science and engineering in healthcare

In terms of this year’s Joint Lecture, we are delighted to confirm that it will be given by Dr David Delpy (former CEO of EPRSC) on 14 April 2014  at 1 Birdcage Walk. The topic of Dr Delpy’s lecture will be “How to (successfully) apply science and engineering in healthcare”. The talk will describe a series of monitoring and imaging technique developments that the speaker has been involved in and look at the process of successful (and some unsuccessful) translation of these into clinical practice. The event will be followed by networking reception. More information will be available soon on the MyCommunity page.

65a63e7560c29449e1c54e7b7c7b2725-huge-future-of-medicine-75x110.jpgThe Future of Medicine – Technology and the Role of the Doctor in 2025 

We will also be co-hosting “The Future of Medicine – Technology and the Role of the Doctor in 2025”, a joint Royal Society of Medicine and Institute of Engineering & Technology Conference which is taking place on the 6th of May 2015 at the Academy of Medical Sciences, 41 Portland Place, London, W1B 1QH

The aim of this meeting is to explore just how far the technology has already developed, and what the latest predictions are by those working in the field of how medicine will really be practiced in ten years’ time. It will be relevant to doctors, physical scientists and engineers, NHS clinical scientists, and the healthcare and bioscience industries. As with many of our new events, this will award CPD points.


We will also be returning to sponsor a session at the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (August 25th-29th, 2015 Milan), this time on the topics of mHealth and Smart Cities.

Later in the year will see some more unique and high quality events:

  • MedTech Start-up Seminar Day in London (June) involving technical, VC and regulatory experts


  • one-day event at Balliol College (Oxford) tying into the upcoming “Machine Learning in Healthcare” IET book edited by the HTN’s Dr David Clifton and featuring key researchers from across the globe


  • HTN Annual Lecture (scheduled for late September).


The committee is in the process of formulating the programme of events for 2015/2016 so please get in touch if you have suggestions for events that you would like to see supported or created in the upcoming session by emailing the HTN's Community Relationship Manager Gemma Hadley ghadley@theiet.org.

As always, keep checking the HTN’s MyCommunity page and @IETHealthTech for more information on these events as well as general updates and news that are relevant to the network’s membership.

Kind Regards,


Peter Bannister

Chairman, IET Healthcare Technologies Network