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0c3c7ad795de4dd34240288623cad03c-huge-anz-web-banner-blue-anniversary.pngThe Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Australia & New Zealand annouced today its first seminars of the 2017 Seminar Series, held in Perth, Melbourne (Thursday, 16 March 2017, 1 Spring Street), Sydney and Auckland.  Seminar Series Program here.

Tickets are limited but at special rates for IET Members. To avoid delay, book your ticket today.

Getting Smart About Metering
An Essential Component of Electricity and Water Management

You can’t manage what you don’t measure, but are we are measuring properly? Why is something so basic done so badly?

We know that good metering is an essential component of high performing buildings (there is good reason why Green Star makes it a key feature), but time and again building owners and managers find that they can’t get meaningful information from their metering system. Common complaints include inability to verify energy models, incomplete or missing data, and data that simply does not make sense (e.g. sub meters recording higher consumption than parent meters). %u200B

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from a fantastic range of speakers.