1 minute read time.
Congratulations to IET Scotland and the SEM Technical Group on winning the CC-UK award for Best Engagement with Under 40s or students.

David Ritchie (Chair IET Scotland) left receiving the certificate from Davy Thielens (Chair CC-UK)

IET Scotland and the SEM Technical group scooped the CC-UK award at the Communities Volunteer Confernece 2016 for their 5 lecture, 4 venue and 1200 student engagement Christmas Lecture.

This presentation  showcased the vast range of systems and devices which can connect to the Internet. It  totally immersed the audience in the possibility of the Cyber World and how it is changing our lives. Along with this, it will outlined a range of emerging technologies which will bring benefits to many areas of our lives including health care and education. With these great benefits, though, there are also threats, and some of these will be presented through a range of practical demonstrations. Overall the key aim of the presentation is to present this new age in a fun and informative way, and engage the audience into understanding the opportunities of the Cyber Age.


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