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The size of the Cyber Security market is vast. Through the standardisation of technology cyber security is appearing across more industries so is strengthening the confidence of new technology platforms.

Its safe to say the phase from domain security networks into multi-tenant environments is no longer next-gen, but rather expected activities.  The ease at which technology allows horizontal and vertical integrations across market channels is efficiently realised and far more quicker than before. I have recently researched the Cyber Security market and found that human factors will now be the core of innovation – specifically enterprise systems and combined with the need for social promotions, the balance to achieve quality 'critical mass' might be the new competitor playing field.

Almost of the best places to see the latest and greatest events for cyber security occurs every year at the InfoSec Exhibition in London - which is currently taking place during this month. The show demonstrates that critical mass is key to product development and indeed, adoption. Whilst, the purpose of production will always be consumption, these new-gen products need to make the consumption process far more digestible. The social hierarchies of enterprise interaction are no longer internal cultural activities, but need to reflect external market place ones too ,making critical mass a strategic tool for enterprise expansion. SME organisations tend to perform management restructure to show short term efficiencies, with a critical mass approach, the same SME organisations will be challenged more rapidly and those less skilled will either need to reproach their business goal successes or be in a constant state of flux with regards to growth.  This is good as it ensures a competitive approach to the cyber market which is more likely to fuel innovation and should help those in closed off environments.

For the InfoSec event this year, it almost guarantees that ‘cool’ or ‘innovative’ companies that Gartner identifies will aim to make a debut at the show. Whilst it is also a meeting ground for forums and seminars to take place, its also where SME focused individuals levitate towards to understand the top and bottom ends of the market. For example, business leaders might be looking for an enterprise product to help embrace opportunities to the changing world they must perform in, or others simply attend as a recruitment initiative or to express interests in collaboration efforts ( further fuelling  the cyber security market ).

Critical mass will apply to social-corporate updates, business locations, dissatisfied executives or even highlight weakness through miss-managed environments - critical mass subscriptions can allow the big-data calculation of sentiments or even effect how new features of products are created - more importantly it allows a feedback channel to self regulate the path to the overall business goal.

Ransomware, Virtualisation and Cloud are existing topics that are stemming out as key areas for cyber security this year, and, whilst the show is full of enterprise level products that offers innovative methods to satisfy those consumption levels, the yester years next-gen product is now over shadowed by the new-gen products. This hyper level of innovation makes InfoSec a good litmus test event to understand the cyber security market, ensuring that critical mass strategies remain a crucial element to the enterprises security roadmap.