1 minute read time.
It is widely recognised that systems accessible over the internet are susceptible to on-line attack. The process control sector has generally controlled the threat through restricting access to critical systems, particularly where the systems provide safety protection or mitigation functions. However, for less critical systems the benefits of remote access for surveillance, diagnostics and upgrade activities makes it difficult to maintain a completely "closed" approach within the overall system architecture. Where control and monitoring systems communicate with safety critical systems, or where safety functionality is not strictly segregated from the control system, then vulnerabilities in the on-line systems could compromise safety functions.


Recognising that industry needs to gain the commercial benefits associated with the use of on-line systems, whilst protecting the integrity of safety critical systems, the IET Professional Network in Control and Automation and the IET Safety Community are proposing to work together to develop a best practice guide on cyber security for the industrial process control and power generation industries. The guide is intended to focus on, and be developed from, the viewpoint of the manager/end-user of computerised process control and safety systems, typically those within the remit of IEC 61508, IEC61513, IEC 61511 and related standards.


The initiative is expected to follow an approach based on development of a "strawman" text, followed by review and consultation, leading to development of a Best Practice Guide and training webinar. We are actively seeking existing and new members of both IET communities to help with this work at a range of different engagement levels, from proactive development of guidance through to on-line review and critique.


If you would like to contribute to this initiative please contact safety.community.chair @ theiet.org