1 minute read time.
On the 23rd March 2021 the Joint PEI committee delivered a major online event on the  Decarbonisation of the Sheffield City Region..

Back in the latter months of 2020 the committee agreed to mobilise an online event focused around the subject but with a chairperson from the cities LEP and four specialist panellists covering the topic on -  Buildings,Transport, the role for Hydrogen and Carbon Capture Storage and Utilisation.

We subsequently contacted Mr Peter Kennan who's the Private Sector Board Member (Transport) from the SCR LEP to chair the event,  Dr Danielle  Densley Tingley to cover the Built Environment; Mr Martin Wood on the Electrification of Transport, Dr Graham Cooley on the Hydrogen Economy and Professor Peter Styring from the University of Sheffield. on Carbon Capture Storage & Utilisation.

The online event was presented on similar lines to the BBC's Question Time programme.

The event was administered by ICE using the WebEx platform.

This event registered around 118 attendees in total although we had a few issues with attendees not being able to access the event using WebEx so the attendance would have 'we think' been quite a lot more more ( around 150)

The event was recorded and can be accessed on Vimeo.