1 minute read time.
BSI and the Cranfield Centre for Through-life Engineering Services (TES Centre) are to participate in an initial planning workshop to establish a framework standard for sharing best practice in Engineering Services.

“Through-life engineering services” (TES) comprise the design, creation and in-service sustainment of complex engineering products with a focus on their entire life cycle, using high-quality information to maximise their availability, predictability and reliability at the lowest possible through-life cost. Recent extensive industry consultation has highlighted that the time is right to establish new formal standards in Engineering Services and related fields to help share best emerging practice. In particular, a new National Strategy for TES, published in July, calls for the development of standards to enable collaboration and innovation in Engineering Services by codifying emerging best practice in the integration of technology, process and business and economics

The workshop objectives will include validating and scoping the proposal for the development of a new framework standard, and the development of an implementation plan. Well-framed formal standards are known to support innovation, dynamism and productivity. Experienced industry experts from a number of sectors are now being invited to participate in this workshop where they will have the opportunity of collaboratively shaping the future in this important area of industrial capability, helping to drive widespread realisation of benefits through the structured implementation of through-life engineering services.

I am looking forward to this event.  Having been involved in this area since the concept emerged it is refreshing to see that TES is now at the point where standards, codes of practice and other guidance is now about to be defined and that the UK is leading the way.

10-30 until 16-00hrs

Thursday 15th September 2016

Martell House

University Way


MK43 0TR