1 minute read time.

IET Volunteers are the lifeblood of the institution and without them we would not be able to undertake the diversity of events, seminars and professional registration activities that make the IET our professional home for life.

In 2015, the IET launched a new Achievement Medal for major and outstanding contributions voluntarily given to furthering the aims of the IET.  The award recognises the importance of volunteers to the IET in its mission to inspire, inform and influence the global engineering community.

Volunteering contributions that would constitute outstanding achievement might include:

• Insight in development of new initiatives to achieve IET aims

• Successfully adapting initiatives to work in a specific context or region

• Leadership shown in development and growth of IET initiatives

• Being an exceptional ambassador in engaging or recruiting a large number of new supporters, stakeholders or members

• Influencing other stakeholders to engage in IET initiatives

• Inspiring others by creating and sharing successful new practice.   

For more information, or to see the two previous winners of this award for inspiration on what is entailed for a nomination, visit: http://conferences.theiet.org/achievement/awards/medals/volunteer-medal.cfm.

The IET also award The Paul Fletcher medal  annually to a young professional volunteer for outstanding achievement in contributing to the activities of the IET.