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Railway Young Professional Webinar Series

These event focus is primarily on students, early career, young professionals with the presentation focus being aimed at this audience.  These online events are to help us inspire, inform and influence the global community of young professional engineers, supporting and promoting technology innovation to meet the needs of society.  We hope to contribute to content that young professionals will find interesting and useful and improve communications to young professionals.

Friday 4 December, 13-14:30

Railway Engineering a New Horizon to Successful Future Career

Andrew Boagey who is an expert in railway systems engineering with more than 25 years of experience in managing railway projects and leading engineering programmes will introduce the concept of railway engineering. Andrew will shed the light on the interesting aspects of railway engineering, the technical expertise required, working opportunities, challenges, adventures and fields of innovation. The session is planned to help young students to get familiar with railway engineering and its engineering branches and provide them with the job opportunities and technical innovation opportunities. 

Thursday 10 December, 13-14:30

Introduction to Railway signalling and communication pathway.

This session is designed to introduce the main and basic concepts of railway signalling and why this is important in such a safety-critical system like railways. Nick Rodney will explain how this has been progressed since the beginning and how young engineers can be involved in this demanding and innovative field.