1 minute read time.
Big thank you to all the wonderful people who were involved in our Hackathon during June.

The challenge was to design a prototype educational robot for use in schools and homes -  to create something new, fun and educational for kids, parents and teachers.

The hackathon took place over a two week period in June, culminating in the final weekend hack with all teams getting together in a shared hackspace 18-19 June.  

Participants were from various background - ranging from designers, engineers, educators and scientitsts and throughout the two weeks, many ideas were generated by each team. On the final hackathon weekend, teams received their selected components and started hacking. In the process, teams discovered a lot of obstacles in building the robots they wanted to. They overcome those barriers with creativity and team work.  

After tremendous hardwork and dedication, each team presented their idea to a panel of judges, which includes three special judges of age 13-14! Everyone was in awe of the robots each team had built after two weeks of ideating, prototyping and team work. 

A special award was presented to Kenny who had travelled all the way from Scotland for the Hackathon!

Participants also had great time in the hackathon. One participant commented "this is one of the two best moments I have while in Imperial College!" .

This was a great collaborative event between the IET Robotics and Mechatronics Network, IET Education 5 - 19, Ocado Technology, EPSRC UK Network for Robotics and Autonomous Systems (UK-RAS Network), and Imperial College Advanced Hackspace (ICAH).