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The Ottawa LN sponsored three high school teachers with 80 micro:bits each.  Yesterday I was invited to an end-of-term session with one of them, and quite the event it turned out to be!

The high-school teacher, with his class of 15 or so 1`4-year olds, had joined forces with a junior school class of about 30 9-10 year olds.  The session yesterday was an innovative combination of the two classes, with the students from the high school mentoring their juniors.  A glance at the photos will give the flavour.  The combined class spent over two hours producing a Christmas-themed gift to take home for each junior child.  Some made tree decorations with Micro:bit stars, others made wrist watches that told the time (more or less), one enterprising pair made a messaging system camouflaged as smart phones (very useful at exam times!) and there was a lot of jingle bells and reindeer's noses resounding around the room from the micro:bit audio channel

The Principal came in at one point and mentioned that almost a third of the junior class were "special needs", but he was correct to point out that the integration, enthusiasm and energy was such that it was almost impossible to tell.  My final poll of "who enjoyed today's session" resulted in a 100% show of hands.  These kids were empowered, and all credit goes to the teachers involved for an excellent use of the Micro:bits with a very innovative flair and finish to the term. 

Well done everyone. 

Now on to next term!.
  • Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
    This is an excellent example of outreach to young people who are receptive to STEM related activities.  The earlier the better.  Congratulations to Frank for his hard work and inititive in moving his forward.

  • Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
    This is an excellent example of outreach to young people who are receptive to STEM related activities.  The earlier the better.  Congratulations to Frank for his hard work and inititive in moving his forward.

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