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"The challenges faced by manufacturing research, education and skills requirements, and our knowledge capability base in 2075 will be influenced and informed by organic and disruptive technologies and systems, new materials, changes in our life styles and values, and global political and societal developments. To be suitably prepared, we need to imagine the future to plan the present. A new global forum to discuss very long term manufacturing challenges (i.e. Manufacturing Futures) for the UK and other countries is essential for prosperity and sustainability. Our collective views on Manufacturing Futures will shape our research direction in the short and long term, better understand our user requirements and drivers, ensure tailored and timely practical solutions, and support innovation in new education models....".  [The Manufacturer].

It would be interesting to hear our members thoughts upon these important issues.  Hopefully this may trigger a response and start a string of discussion from which the Committee can seek to align future events which align to Project Management and Control supported and enabled by the development of future cost models.
  • I would expect there to be huge changes by 2075, particularly in nanotechnology, biotech (and genetics) and in information processing. We won't talk about the internet of things as everything will be networked as standard. I wonder, will we have quantum computers by then, which will have allowed us to reverse engineer the brain. Will Stephen Hawking's predictions for AI have come true. The other area I would hope we have made a huge advance in would be space propulsion
  • I would expect there to be huge changes by 2075, particularly in nanotechnology, biotech (and genetics) and in information processing. We won't talk about the internet of things as everything will be networked as standard. I wonder, will we have quantum computers by then, which will have allowed us to reverse engineer the brain. Will Stephen Hawking's predictions for AI have come true. The other area I would hope we have made a huge advance in would be space propulsion
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