2 minute read time.
The IET Faraday Challenge Days are cross-curricular activity days covering Science, Design and Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). They have been held at schools and colleges around the UK for a number of years and have proved to be enormously popular with teachers and students alike. It is through its charitable arm of the IET that we are able to provide the Faraday Challenge Days at no charge to Hong Kong schools starting in 2014.

The Faraday Challenge Days give students the opportunity to research, design and make solutions to genuinely tough engineering problems. The event will be set up and run by our team of STEM professionals to give you the time to focus on your students. It is an unbeatable opportunity to switch your students on to the subject you love.

We are now looking for schools to take part in the first ever season of Faraday Challenge Hong Kong, of which we plan a number of Challenge Days, running from March to June 2014. You can apply to take part by indicating which area Challenge Day you wish to take part in. The list of venues and dates on the next page is subject to confirmation.

The school teams taking part should consist of six 12 -13 year olds (Hong Kong Secondary 2, International Year 8), ideally two students from Science, two students from Design & Technology, and two students from Mathematics.

Each Challenge Day will be held at a major educational institution, geographically spaced so as to give minimum travelling time for the students. Although schools can enter more than one team, we are resource limited to five or six teams at any one location. Consequently if there are more teams applying than places, schools may be limited to one team.

Teams will be provided with all materials needed to participate in the Challenge Day; the main parts of any constructed apparatus will be available to display at your school.

The top scoring six teams will then be invited to the Hong Kong Finals in July.  Prizes will be awarded to the winning team from each Challenge Day as well as those taking part in the Hong Kong Finals.

Although the main language of the Faraday Challenge is English, much of the student support material for Hong Kong will be available in Chinese. Both Cantonese and Putonghua  speaking mentors will be available for the Hong Kong Challenge Days.

Further information on the Faraday Challenge can be found on the main IET web site http://faraday.theiet.org/stem-activity-days/faraday-challenge-days/index.cfm.

Registration form can be find here (Eng) and here (Chi).

Please return this form, in softcopy to faradayhk@theiet.org, or hardcopy to:

The Institution of Engineering and Technology Hong Kong

4412-13 COSCO Tower, 183 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong

 T: 852 2778 1611, F: 852 2778 1711