Less than one minute read time.
On Thursday 29 October there is to be a joint IET/RAeS/I Mech E lecture at CUED by Ian Greig and colleagues from the Mercedes Benz F1 team.  At 1800hrs, preceeding the talk, there will be a buffet organised by the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) which the F1 group will attend.  The buffet will be provided by external caterers and in the room next to the lecture theatre.  The cost of the buffet is £15.  If you wish to attend the buffet, please send a cheque for £15 to Royal Aeronautical Society, c/o Mike Hawkins, 5 Martin Close, Godmanchester, Cambs PE29 2WA.  The cheque should be made out to Royal Aeronautical Society.  Please include your name, address and contact details.  The lecture is at 1930 hrs and entry is free of charge although a booking will be needed - http://www.theiet.org/events/local/224187.cfm