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The notion of Value Added Tax is known, well document and experienced by all. Its the percent that’s levied for the country.  Though somehow, the path to prosperity is slower or staggering regardless of investment of time energy and resource. Employees or authority figures that take on Foreign time zone calendars as their main source of income are peer'd against others who then have to follow suit, this may be progressive in thought, however any activity that effects the GMT zone that someone represents, should be treated differently, albeit Taxed differently - Foreign Added Tax.

The mansion tax is said to apply to a select few only who are rebate friendly anyway. The proposition of a FAT would ensure that the foreign employers have the FAT applicable - as their interests are not really benefiting the council local economy, or to even suggest that, those that work for foreign entities that hold an alien qualification and who are classified as high earners, should have the values of FAT applied more strongly by their local council. The local council is mentioned as its the residents efforts whose contribution to the economy is not realised, the same managers as mentioned in my UTC Time Zone blog, are likely to hold the CISSP qualifiations are categorised as high earners also use tools like the CISSP within companies to obtain credits and points by providing 'attestation' often without the employer understanding its implications within their internal stucture, almost racketering like. The CISSP itself is staged/positioned as a high value course - though alternatives often meet technology criteria more successfully - however due to its 'attestation' requirement, its self serving nature often takes away any company sway by diluting the employees into a market place strategy whilst encouring itself as an exit stragegy within the company for employees.

This earning aspect of any course, effects the motivations to get established, by perhaps buying a home is a dream for all , once acquired the mansion tax itself does not promote value of the country in terms of satisfaction.  The Californian state promotes a lifestyle of the 'American dream' translating pragmatically to 'death in taxes' ( or so perceived  ) , as such, that individual should be taxed in relation to that very same system as their fruits of their labour are not inherently finding its way back into the country of employment, to say, those whose company profits are seen in foreign forex systems, should not be classified in the current tax system, as their alien motivations are very different and thus subject to FAT.  

The CISSP is a strong example that allows a very high salary band to be obtained, but typically the efforts of the labour will not find its self-back into the worker country, as likely, the employer is not UK based. Thats not to say all skilled jobs should be subject to FAT, but certainly those that commit to a higher renumeration should be. It also inherently under mimes the academic degrees obtained locally as being of less value making the degree is a presumed given. The other approach is like the more sensible government Google Tax approach - however it should also be applied to individuals within these companies who take positions in foreign companies then presume to undue-advocate over other national profiles (using age or grade) - though often not having equivalent any skills  - A further tax on the individuals with foreign credentials would help the UK progress by creating a stronger work force. Though some technology based employers advocate this as acceptable thus a new tax for those individuals is required. ** UPDATE June 2015 ** Similar to people making tax exploits as discussed in '' BBC uncovers 'aggressive' tax avoidance scheme " article on their website and news channels - In the same way, my experiences show specific individuals choose not help the HMRC by chosing to adopt a certain management styles and as such should experience a different tax band based on their use of foreign qualifications - in a strange parallel to Martha Stewart and her episode of insider-trading.

Whilst the individual though remains employed, in the long run, their efforts could have been better valued and rewarded in a foreign styled UK based company, just like teaching academies that were created, which itself provide flexi-working or increased earning for those holding those skills within a UK company, further knowing, the benefits are seen directly into the system, rather than fuelling forex profits.  My mba research discussed and in most part concluded that some company processes are far more beneficial than a short courses.

With these types of short courses focused on short term gains, compared to the understanding of hands on experience combined with the more traditional pragmatic courses, its these that are better positioned to provide value for technology innovation for society.