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Dear Sponsor,

Formula North 2018 took place at Barrie Molson Centre, Barrie, Ontario for the seventh consecutive year from May 31st to June 3rd 2018. The event was supported by dedicated volunteers, staff and sponsors who invested their energies into facilitating teams from across North America, and the world, for this four day event featuring both electric and combustion vehicles. Our farthest travelled participants came from South Asia, respectively the teams Technoaviators from Chandigarh Group of Colleges in India and the NED Racers from the NED University of Engineering and Technology in Pakistan. Each year a growing interest is expressed in Formula North through a steady increase in the number of registering teams. Owing to an increase in our infrastructural capacity we opened our electric category to eighteen teams this year. Eight teams successfully completed participation in the electric category. The first place overall winner in the electric category was Carnegie Mellon University. The second place was obtained by Rochester Institute of Technology and Purdue University came third. The combustion category had twenty-four participate at the event. The category’s first place overall winner was École de technologie supérieure. They were followed by the University of Michigan at second place and Carleton University ranked third. This year a special award was introduced by Multimatic called the Multimatic Vehicles Dynamics Award. It was judged on perimetres set by the company and presented by them at the award ceremony. The winner of that award was also École de technologie supérieure. Teams travelled to Formula North from far and wide and needless to say our following on social media channels increased rapidly due to this factor. We had a dedicated social media team which maintained our Facebook and Instagram accounts during the event. International media, particularly in Pakistan, also highlighted Formula North due to the participation of a team from the country. CTV Barrie revisited Formula North this year and filmed a segment providing coverage on this year’s event, and the need for such events, on Day 2. BarrieToday.com also recognized our annual presence in the city by carrying an exclusive piece on Formula North 2018. Our finances were managed well with sufficient sponsorship and increase in the accumulation of registration fees due to the number of registered teams.

On behalf of Formula North Inc. I thank you for your support,

Sheherbano Ahmed

Event Chair

Formula North 2018

July 31, 2018