Earlier this year I presented to the IET NorCal Technical network in San Francisco a somewhat light hearted presentation on various current aspects of Media Technology. Have a watch and learn a little something about Adaptive Bit Rate, DRM, and a whole soup of other things for that matter.
You will find a little something surprising here... about Adaptive Bit Rate, Broadcast, Codecs, DRM, Encoding of Video, Frame Rate, Gamma, HDR, Interlace, John Logie Baird, KHz, LED, ML, NextGenTV, OLED, Prosumer, QLED, Regulations, Sustainability, TV Everywhere, UHD, Video, WCG, XYZ, YUV, and Zoom
If you work or are engaged in Engineering in and around the Bay Area/Northern Californa, do look up the IET NorCal local network https://engx.theiet.org/local-networks/z344
If you are more engaged in the Media Space or even just a little interested media technology, then find out more about the IET Media TN at https://engx.theiet.org/technical-networks/media, on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/iet-media-network, or have a deeper look at our YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@IETMedia.