1 minute read time.

As Eric Brynjolfsson would say, we are only half way across the chessboard since Moore developed his growth predictions for microchip development 60 + years ago. This exponential growth has given rise to Improvements in video, data storage, and communications. This has enabled some real heavy load and data lifting in the Robotics sector in recent years. Future developments will give rise to much higher precision in small parts detection by using faster, deeper machine learning in computer vision systems, for instance. Increases in bandwidth will allow for transmission of haptics data for texture identification using soft robotics.

These enablers will enhance factory navigation for obstacle detection and mapping. We will see much higher definition in our visualization of robotics simulations in factory models. We will see great improvements in accessibility to online software tools and remote access to hardware for clients, engineers, students, trainees, and enthusiasts alike.

I am really looking forward to seeing and hearing how these improvements will help manufacturers increase throughput & quality while saving energy. I expect this will lead to a saving on floorspace for future growth at their facilities. I really hope energy conservation will save on emissions and create quantum improvements to our environment and society. This and much more can be discussed at the future of manufacturing automation event being held online by the IET of the 1-Nov.

Below is the registration link to attend;

registration link

  • It doesn't seem that long ago that running a factory simulation meant submitting an overnight job to a "supercomputer" then waking up the next morning to find the job hadn't run...

  • It doesn't seem that long ago that running a factory simulation meant submitting an overnight job to a "supercomputer" then waking up the next morning to find the job hadn't run...

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