1 minute read time.
The Radar, Sonar and Navigation (RS&N) Network is the home of an extensive community of scientists and engineers with an interest in all aspects of radar, sonar and navigation systems

The RS&N Network facilitates sharing and understanding of technical information and knowledge for the benefit of IET members and the wider community.  We provide a platform for the community to exchange knowledge and engage networking opportunities, both online and face to face, with members from across industry and academia.

We are looking for interested scientists and engineers to join the RS&N Executive Committee, helping to shape the direction and priorities of the network. We are looking for people who are passionate about their field of work and want to be more engaged, who want to extend their knowledge of the topic areas and share their own experience with others.

Volunteering as part of the Executive Committee can take many forms, from  physical events and online discussions, to supporting the understanding of engineers and scientists working within their respective sectors. As well as helping the IET to stay ahead of the curve, you can also help participants raise their professional profiles and extend their professional networks.

If you are interested in joining our Executive Committee and helping to shape IET engagement with these vital technologies please get in touch.

For more information about TPNs and volunteering in general, please visit the TPN Volunteering page

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