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afa72061f43c57235e67f653a9bb17a6-huge-people-2.jpgThe IET Mersey & Western Cheshire Network are looking for Young Professionals (YPs) to join their Young Professionals Section committee to arrange talks, technical visits and social events aimed at young professionals.


Benefits of Volunteering:


  • Make new contacts at all levels of seniority


  • Improve your social and relationship skills


  • Gain essential career experience i.e. leadership, publicity (including social media), event organisation, budget/finance management

In order to have a thriving YP section, we welcome all students from relevant academic institutions and YP's working or training in industry.  Naturally, full support is given to the YPS Committee, and of course all reasonable expenses are covered.


If you are interested, or have any questions, please email Deborah-Claire McKenzie, the Community Relationship Manager for the Network.