1 minute read time.
What does community mean to you? According to the dictionary its:

"a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common"

So what relevance does this have to the IET? Well, the IET manages a number of communities based on technical and geographic areas. For example there is the South California Local Network that brings together engineers from that area of the world. There is also the Robotics and Mechatronics Technical Network that is a hub for engineers working in these areas.

One of the IET's aims is to facilitate the dissemination and sharing of knowledge so that engineers and technicans are better equiped in their professional lives. Our communities are key in enabling this especially in areas of the world where there is no staff presence. 

To illustrate just some of the fantastic work that goes on every day, below is a map of some of the key successes in 2015 so far. 


You can click on the map to make it larger or you can also download the PDF at the bottom of this post. Thanks to all our volunteers for helping to make this happen...

If you would like to find your nearest Local Network then go to the Local Network section on our website. Or if you would like to find a Technical Network that matches your profession then go to our Technical Network section.

And a quick plug!

If you live in the Midlands area of England and would like to hear some of the IET's Trustees thoughts on the current and future of engineering then please come to Birmingham on 6 July for a Special Engineers Question Time. Details on who the panel are and how to register are here.