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ELECTRICITY CAN KILL!  That’s why IET Kent supports the “Safety In Action” event for Primary School children each year.  To do this we need YOU to Volunteer.  Just give up one day – to give advice to 10 – 11 year olds.  We give you a script (so no deep knowledge of electricity required) – you work in pairs AND it's fun and rewarding.


Safety in Action is organised by Maidstone Council for local primary schools across the two week 2nd June to 13th June 2014 (09.00 to 15.00 each day).  It is held at Invicta Barracks Maidstone.  Many organisations attend (e.g. Lifeboats, Fire & Rescue, Railways etc).  IET Volunteers give electrical safety advice - In pairs, by delivering a 10 minute presentation about electrical safety to small groups of children.  (A Disclosure and Barring Service Check [formerly CRB] is not required).


So please Volunteer now.  Your support may save a life.  Contact John Ennew - john.ennew@theiet.org 

Contact John now - don't delay.