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Empower others by becoming a Career Mentor.

The IET is looking to establish a new Career Mentoring Scheme that will allow much more flexibility for Mentors and Mentees to establish a mentoring relationship for their specific needs/skillset compared to our existing Professional Development Mentoring offering.

The unique aspect about this new scheme is that it allows Mentors and Mentees to find each other using an online platform and profiles can be filtered based on some pre-established criteria.

Mentorship involves a two-person partnership with the intention of developing, improving and reaching personal and professional goals.

We are currently only accepting 50 IET Members to become Mentors in this Career Mentoring Pilot Scheme.

Deadline: Monday 11 September 2023


How will I benefit by being a mentor?

  • Develop new relationships that could lead to unique opportunities and insights.
  • Being a mentor can help you enrich your skillset.
  • Gain personal satisfaction by helping others within the engineering and technology sectors.
  • Volunteering counts towards your Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

To find out more about our new pilot, please visit our webpage: www.theiet.org/mentor

Throughout the time frame of your involvement in the pilot, we will be sending questionnaires to gain important insight into the scheme, your feedback can help us steer the offering we ultimately deliver to our membership base; therefore, you must be willing to complete these questionnaires as and when you receive them as a mentor. Mentees will also be receiving their own tailored feedback surveys with regards to their experience with the matching system and their value of mentoring as a beneficial scheme.

  • Hi all - I just wanted to let you know we've received our 50 Mentors to try out the Career Mentoring Pilot scheme. Thank you to everyone who applied. Have a lovely day!