1 minute read time.
Graham Turner, Chairman of the IET Multimedia Communications Network has provided us with some insights from the International Broadcasting Convention. From the point of view of our time at IBC, and the recordings, here are some of the major points that arose:

  • The fact that most media (and other) enterprises don’t realise they’ve been the subject of a cyberattack until after 80 days on average (and of course we know it was much, much longer than that for Yahoo).


  • The amazing stack of 50 or so different types of set top boxes delivering pirated television services that we saw.


  • The strong presence, and perhaps hype, for VR, but without too much of a clear view as to how it could be used (except perhaps for Dolby’s virtual cinema / theatre concept).


  • Great acceleration for the introduction of UHD (4k or more) HDR services with a lot of technology now being offered, more or less off the shelf.


  • Also continuing acceleration for the move towards use of IP in both the production environment and for content delivery.


  • Move towards object-based audio