2 minute read time.
Papers and posters presented at the 6th International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention are now available on the IET’s Digital Library. Watch the presenations on IET.TV.

The conference took place in July at Queen Mary University, London and was attended by researchers, industry professionals and students working in the field.  There was also a Special Session on EU projects.

Vision & Imaging Network Executive members Dr Jason Lepley and Dr Tomas Piatrik both attended the two day conference and have highlighted the following presentations and papers for you.

Dr Jason Lepley:  “Firstly, a couple of the EU projects stood out to me, in particular: P-REACT and 3D Forensics.  Both appeared to be well managed and focused on a high TRL outcome with a tangible exploitation path.  P-REACT was bringing together data from multiple sensors for behavioural analytics and 3D Forensics had developed a combined 2D and 3D camera system (based on laser interferometry) for on-scene footprint/tyreprint forensics.

“Jonathan Wu’s paper, Multimodal 2D-3D Face Recognition Using Structural Context and Pyramidal Shape Index addressed the need for robust face recognition using a combined 2D and 3D system to reduce the impact of variations in lighting conditions.  Face recognition was highlighted by Mick Neville as currently being inadequate in practical situations (of the 4000 suspects recognised as taking part in the London riots only 1 being detected using face recognition technology).

“Daniel Martinho-Corbishley’s paper, Soft Biometric Recognition from Comparative Crowdsourced Annotations used crowd-sourcing for soft bio recognition which I thought was a particularly interesting method.  It overcomes the learning limitations of conventional machine learning techniques.

"The tutorial sessions highlighting some of the many difficulties in CCTV systems (poor image quality, lighting, weather, multiple formats) were good for pointing out why many of the innovations stemming from academia had yet to come to fruition.”


For Dr Tomas Piatrick the stand out presenations were::


  • Multimodal 2D-3D Face Recognition Using Structural Context and Pyramidal Shape Index - I agree with Jason, this was very nice work

Related links

The P-REACT project (Petty criminality diminution through search and analysis in multi-source video Capturing and archiving plaTform).

The 3D-Forensics project (Mobile high-resolution 3D-Scanner and 3D data analysis for forensic evidence)