1 minute read time.

OK, I may be exaggerating slightly - I'm not sure that the debates actually got all that heated...  But I should start at the start!  And the start is full of acronyms (be warned).  Last month was the Communities Committee - Europe, Middle East, and Africa (CC-EMEA) Communities Volunteer Conference (CVC) - and as a result the Communities Resourcing Committee (CRC) decided to meet in Dubai for a change.  And in July Dubai is very hot let me tell you - especially if you've come from a country that is in winter...  Going from 14ºC to 44ºC is a bit of a shock to the system!

Fortunately we were mostly in air conditioning, so it was pretty manageable.  It was a busy few days for me - two days of meetings, then two days of the CVC.  But I felt that the time was well spent.  We had some good discussions in CRC, and I got to sit in on a little bit of a CC-EMEA meeting; it was very interesting seeing how another CC runs things.  The CVC was great, it was awesome to see the enthusiasm in the room, and I think all of the participants got a lot out of it.  From my point of view, I got a whole list of things we should try to do for the Asia Pacific CVC in Auckland - hopefully it all works out!

I won't bore you with the details of exactly what was talked about (I'm working on making these blog posts a bit shorter), but if anyone is interested, please ask in the comments.  I'm more than happy to waffle on a bit longer ;)