3 minute read time.

Surprisingly the UTC time zone plays a strong factor in local GMT Quantitative Easing efforts. Globalisation is now a presumed given, where fueling commercialisation activities for some managers have become a regular past time activity.

The United Kingdom is always at the forefront of innovations and renowned for it. The GMT time zone for decades has been a place for international success, one of the main reasons London is a strong market for business. So much so that alien companies have an increasing foothold of FDI presence. Meetings are created, deals are made, strategies are created, goals are deployed all around the the UTC time zone. In fact, a work force buzzing about UTC business hours creates an ivory tower ready for solidification. As the critical mass employed ensures a streamlined work force committed for different motivations for success of the company – again all focused on taking the commitment to the UTC work schedule.

However, should it be a silicon valley startup, or any other foreign company, chances are the profits are not always UK bound. Thus the collective work force that resonates with GMT hours are effectively not going to see the fruits of their labour benefiting their local economy. So, when the company built around the GMT work force is sold to another international company, perhaps through an IPO, the profits of the sale are not really seen but more the labor efforts never find itself into the local coffers. If it did, then perhaps the QE efforts would be realised a lot quicker and more prosperity for the local economy.

Very similar to some larger corporations who find methods to review tax payments - these are suggestive to utilise UTC synergies for their own international gains whose end success are seen less directly into the UK economy thus the staggering recovery remains slower - even though the work force is working immensely.

The company that provides the FDI investment, find the unspoken UTC model an attractive one, as it ensures, when they sell the business unit, they are actually selling the GMT time zone as they have found managers who are UK employees who choose to receive compensation to do so ~ Perhaps its these specific managers or high earning individuals that should be subject to a different band tax instead of blanket taxes like Mansion, bedroom taxes or even UK based companies being subject to the same. These specific individuals then advocate the GMT forcework to eventually tune into a UTC one – which is then sold into the global economy at the expense of anyone but a select few. This resonates with ' borrowed time concepts' i.e Skynews: sturgeon-warns-cameron-on-borrowed-time or as discussed by the sec.gov for those to feel the pressure that should be felt from living on borrowed time http://www.sec.gov/News/Speech/Detail/Speech/1365171489938.

With more flow expected within App-based economies, some are ensuring the economy continues to remain not to get it's share of rewards, some who know their parent company is only renting buildings, should be taxed differently as their operations do not show commitment to the local economy as its these high earners that are advocating the GMT effort into a UTC one thus the location never benefits. These advocate-managers are likely to think its ok to hire GMT efforts , register them to a local work office for tax purposes but then change work location to promote UTC efforts and other whimsical reasons. If you work for a UK based company, where you are taxed less in significant roles then it would ensure the work force remains confident, smart, motivated, rewarded and wealthy, creating personal success and also building a stronger economy including local economy - which at the moment would also help council devolution planning efforts.

The leap second will be introduced again in 2015 and somewhat effects the GMT concept of time, in this case it relates to the earths rotation, however in the case of selling the UTC time zone to the stock markets – is quite a different concept.