2 minute read time.
Last week we met Dave, the incumbent IET YP co-chairperson. This week (tonight in fact) the deck is being shuffled and the committee is changing. I would like to take this chance to introduce myself and bid you, my readers, farewell as I will be moving on from Digital Marketing Officer. Please, let's meet me, Tynan Schweitzer, coordinator of the IET YP Leadership Programme, Vice Chair of UWA IET On Campus, Digital Marketing Officer, and alumnus of the 2016 IET YP Leadership Programme.


I am studying a double degree in Electrical Engineering and Organic Chemistry at the University of Western Australia and joined the IET because Career Hub said there was this thing called a Leadership Programme and I thought it would be fun.

Why did you join the Committee?

I thought you know what, this could be fun! intending to only be a mentor and let others run things. Then my control-freak took over and I began coordinating the Leadership Programme. Digital Marketing Officer was a chance for me to extend myself, and Vice Chair of UWA IET OC just seemed right.

Dogs or cats (or Ducks? Naked mole rats?)?

Cats cats cats cats cats cats. I have three in my house and one that is mine (below) called Loki and he is brown and cute and loud and cuddly and chill.


What is your guilty pleasure?
Watching everything ManyATrueNerd has ever made when I should be being productive. Or eating an entire bucket of MnMs. Not sure which is worse.

What is the nerdiest thing you do? 

I use vim unironically of my own free will (I love hotkeys). 

If you were a sandwich, what would you be?

Baloney, because I spout it.

What are your aspirations?

For someone to answer 'Does it involve a gorilla suit and a jet pack?' with 'YES!'

That or raise a family.

What would people be surprised to find out about you?
I am missing a knuckle.

What are you a closet fan of?

I used to say Taylor Swift, but then I told everyone.

Any secret skills?

Puns :3

Who would win, Darth Vader or Gandalf the Grey?

Obviously, Darth Vader because Gandalf has infinite lives and the entire Dulux colour range to respawn into which would make him no longer Gandalf the Grey but Gandalf the newColour. But then you get into the issues that does that mean Darth Vader doesn't count if he rejoins the light side as Anakin but by that point most people have grown bored and wandered off...

Is your toilet paper under or over? If under, defend your incorrect position.
Over, because it is convenient to access, and I keep my bathroom locked to avoid cats eating it.

And with this, I am done. I have enjoyed my time bring you content on the Facebook group and providing you with this insight into the WA IET YP committee. I hope my successor continues my work by documenting the new committee. Thank you all for following along and I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted.

Thank you and goodbye.