2 minute read time.
Last week we met Nick, Murdoch's student representative. Keeping with our theme of Open Day MVPs this week I'd like to introduce Victor Olet, our Curtin student representative, founder of Curtin IET On Campus and the incumbent chairperson. At the Curtin Open Day, he organised our stall and had members of IET On Campus helping out while he did engineering outreach for Curtin.


Victor is a Chemical Engineering student at Curtin University who joined the IET through the 2016 IET YP Leadership Programme. Victor then went on to exemplify himself through his tireless work as Chairperson of Curtin IET on Campus with a particularly successful BBQ organised only a few weeks ago. Let's get to know Victor.

Why did you join the Committee?

I liked how the IET created a community of engineers, scientists etc. that all work alongside each other (also, I was blown away by Jordan Butler’s presentation on Mathematics)
Jordan's presentation was amazing. Let's hope this year's Present Around the World is as amazing.

Dogs or cats (or Ducks? Naked mole rats?)?

Dogs, I’ve never owned one though

What is the nerdiest thing you do?

Don’t think it’s nerdy but I enjoy watching all the little birds. They seem to know what they are doing, and they have a lot of creativity in them, I think even more creative than I am.

What are your aspirations?

To do well in life and help others

What are you a closet fan of?

Cristiano Ronaldo - can’t help it even though Messi is “better”

Any secret skills?

Won’t say, I see what you did there.

Is your toilet paper under or over? If under, defend your incorrect position.

I don’t know what my current TP position is, but googled this and majority seem to say over. Probably because there is some form of “Mechanical Advantage” in the over the position?
I have to say, you're the first to do any serious research on this topic. Colour me impressed!

Thank you Victor. For those of you playing along at home, please remember to tune in next week to meet our next Committee member.