1 minute read time.
Last week we met Israa, the incumbent IET YP co-chairperson. This week I'd like to introduce part two of the chairship: Dave Kelly.


Dave studied Business (specifically management) and Mechanical Engineering, joining the IET for the opportunities and development available.

Why did you join the Committee?

For the opportunities, and to develop myself.

Dogs or cats (or Ducks? Naked mole rats?)?

Dogs, and any other animal except cats.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Taking down KFC buckets solo

What is the nerdiest thing you do? 
Eating Nerds
I see what you did there

If you were a sandwich, what would you be?
Continental, fully loaded from the Re Store

What are your aspirations?
Be better

What would people be surprised to find out about you?
I'm a black belt and former karate champion

What are you a closet fan of?
You'd want to be other people would ask to share the buckets

Any secret skills?
I picked a lock last week

Who would win, Darth Vader or Gandalf the Grey?

Is your toilet paper under or over? If under, defend your incorrect position.

Thank you Dave. We have reached a full executive house, just in time for the deck to be shuffled for next year. In a week's time, the IET YP are having our AGM to elect a new committee and we'll have new faces to meet and old faces to revisit. Please stay tuned into the future to meet our new committee that will be bringing awesome events to you over the next year. As ever, please leave a like here and one Facebook.