1 minute read time.
Last week we met Simon, the incumbent IET YP secretary. This week I'd like to introduce Israa Elsayed, another member of the executive, our Chairperson.


Israa is a Chemical/Process Engineer at Woodside who joined the IET to develop herself and to help others develop whilst giving back to the engineering community.

Why did you join the Committee?

Peta asked me to; how could I say no.
I get the feeling not many could.

Dogs or cats (or Ducks? Naked mole rats?)?

Neither. Sorry, not an animal person

What is your guilty pleasure?

CHOCOLATE!!! Enough said.

What is the nerdiest thing you do? 

I get the feeling a bunch of you are coordinating answers.

If you were a sandwich, what would you be?

I wouldn't be a sandwich, I'd rather be something tasty, like a kebab.

What are your aspirations?

To help others reach their full potential 

What would people be surprised to find out about you?

That I'm originally from Sudan
If you get the chance to meet Israa in person, ask her about their pyramids

What are you a closet fan of?


Any secret skills?

Not telling

Who would win, Darth Vader or Gandalf the Grey?

Neither. Batman would win.

Is your toilet paper under or over? If under, defend your incorrect position.


Thank you Israa. That is now each position of the executive covered! All we are missing is the other chairperson. Could he be next week's feature? You have to come back to find out. Please make sure to leave a like here as well as on Facebook.