1 minute read time.
It’s true..! I am… cool


My friends have known this for many years. I am at my best when the sun is shining. During the autumn and winter months I have a special 10,000 lux desk lamp in the office to combat SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and stop me wanting to hibernate until March.   

It’s like sitting outside in the midday sun in the height of summer!


I have a plethora of solar powered gadgets at home. Solar lights in the garden, a solar powered desk fan, solar powered ornaments that move around when the sun is shining and even a solar powered battery charger that lives on my (south facing) kitchen windowsill.


Unfortunately my garden isn’t big enough to warrant having one of these but believe me if it was, I would! laugh


However, I’m not keen on having solar panels installed on the roof as I’m not sure my 130 year old cottage would take the weight and in any case the roof doesn’t pitch the right way to be effective…


Although… they’re having an event up in Yorkshire on the 17th October, Solar panels - an engineer's view  where an engineer (and IET member) will be giving an account of his own experience with a domestic solar panel electricity system. Maybe I’ll give him a call….?
  • I like the idea of solar power "things", but working in Stoke-on-Trent there is no opportunity to see if they would work :) We have concerns about low vitamin D levels so I might invest in the lamp you have!
  • I like the idea of solar power "things", but working in Stoke-on-Trent there is no opportunity to see if they would work :) We have concerns about low vitamin D levels so I might invest in the lamp you have!
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