2 minute read time.
Date: 21 August 2021

Time: 10:00am - 3:00pm 

Venue: The University of Auckland, Engineering Department


1000-1100          Registration and Housekeeping 

1100-1115          Presidents Address by Prof. Danielle George and Mr. Nigel Fine 

1115-1125          Introduction of Eng Talks – “Engineering and Science in Healthcare” 

1125-1155          Topic: "A.I in Healthcare" - Dr Angela Lim

1155-1235          Topic: "Revolutionising Healthcare Experiences with Digital People" – James Gower

1235-1300          Q&A Session

1300 – 1400       Lunch

1400-1430          #DifferenceMaker : "Do what you love, love what you do" – Elise Beavis

1430-1445          Q&A Session

1445-1500          Close and networking

For further information, please visit here.

If you have any enquiry, please feel free to contact us at Auckland@ietvolunteer.org

 Dear IET Members,

While we are excited to welcome our Auckland members, colleagues and guests to our in-person event, we would like to ask your help to promote the event within your own network/company.

For this event, New Zealand’s best companies are invited for a look at the role of engineering and science in healthcare. This is a fantastic opportunity to meet fellow members of the IET in Auckland, celebrate this significant milestone and a thank you from the IET for your continued membership and contribution.

In the first session we will walk you through technical advances in healthcare, starting from the application of AI in the NZ mental healthcare space, through to the role that AI-driven Digital People can play in delivering positive health outcomes.

To continue to solve the challenges facing the world we need to engage and inspire young people to a STEM pathway, in our second session you will hear from an early career #DifferenceMaker who has combined a passion for yachting with engineering. 

We look forward to you joining us online, to celebrate 150 years of making a difference through engineering and technology.

If you cannot join us in person, we will share a selected recordings of the event through iet.TV at a later time - please keep an eye on the online activities around the globe to celebrate 150 years of making a difference through engineering and technology.

Best regards,

The IET Auckland Network