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As part of IET 150th Anniversary, IET Brunei Darussalam Network has shared their story from the earliest days and formation to key network events and people, awards, and much more.

IET Brunei Darussalam Network was founded on 29th November 1997 whereby it was officiated by IEE President John Taylor at its inaugural ceremony.

As of November 2020, IET Brunei Darussalam Network has a total of 115 members comprising of individuals from various sectors from the government agencies as well as the private sectors.

The current Honorary Chairman of IET Brunei Darussalam Network, Ir. Haji Jailani bin Haji Buntar, reiterated that "Our mission remains as relevant as ever to advance and share knowledge that contributes to our national development by building open, flexible and unlimited knowledge network, encouraging and establishing a positive culture of professionalism and by promoting and assisting IET member’s development leading to professional registration. Our Young Professionals Section (Y.P.S.) and Student On Campus volunteers also play a key role in inspiring, informing and influencing our next generation of scientists, engineers and technologists. Together, we will strive to facilitate each other’s aspirations to learn, grow and to make our membership as rewarding.

More detailed of the brief history of the IET Brunei Darussalam Network can be found in the link here: Brief History of the IET Brunei Darussalam Network