12 minute read time.
The IET Islamabad Local Network was invited by the IET Communities Committee Europe Middle East Africa (CC-EMEA) on their bi-annual event "Community Volunteers Conference (CVC)" held at Dubai UAE from 8th July to 9th July 2017.  Mr.Nouman Abid Chuhan, Secretary, represented the IET Islamabad Local Network in this conference whilst representatives of other Local Networks under jurisdiction of the IET CC-EMEA Region also attended this Conference.  It was a great event, attended by around 20 LN Reps or Volunteers, CC-EMEA Members, YPCC Members, CRC Members, a Trustee Mr.Tom and IET Staff (total 50 participants approximately).  Everybody was so excited to participate and interact.  It was obvious because just before this CVC, mostly have been working virtually or remotely, even did not meet live and today they were ready to meet face to face.  

Day One

When arrived at the venue, the IET Staff at the IET Desk issued the individual Tag and a Hand Bag (Brochures inside).

The conference was started on 08:50 hrs.  Ms.Laura Barrabia Gil Member CC-EMEA anchored the event and invited Mr.Hisham Rojoa Chair CC-EMEA and Mr.Robert Allen Senior Staff Member CC-EMEA to deliver the welcome speech.  Then Mr.Christos Christou Member CC-EMEA set the scene for the conference by inviting individual LN volunteer to get him/herself one by one.  After introduction, Mr.Colin Arthur Chair CRC and Ms.Alex Taylor Senior Staff Member CRC jointly delivered the presentation on the topic "About the IET".  Then Mr.Hisham Rojoa explained the CC-EMEA vision and objectives set for the year 2017-2018.

Ms.Sachini Yapa Chair YPCC briefed the house about the Young Professional Activities within the IET (around the globe).  She specifically discussed the two major global events, one is PATW and other is Global Challenge (GC).  She also encouraged the OnCampus Networks to apply for the award of "On Campus Group of the Year".  Right after him, Ms.Laura Gil told the audience about the proceedings of the Stage-4 PATW Regional Final 2017 held on 7th July 2017 and informed that Ms.Zara Shafique of IET Islamabad Local Network (Pakistan) had won the competition.

A CVC Challenge was given to the participants in group formations (Group No.01 to No.06).  According to this challenge, each group has to allocate available funds to various sections of an organization according to their past record and performance.  Mr.Imran Ansari Finance Lead CC-EMEA and Mr.Hisham Rojoa Chair CC-EMEA conducted this group exercise in two parts separated by a refreshments break.

Then Ms.Laura invited Ms.Stefania Cristina a Rep from Malta Local Network to deliver a presentation.  She briefed that how have they been working as a joint group i.e. IET, IMech and ICE to organize a multidisciplinary engineering events at her country Malta.  They have given a name to this group, i.e. MGPEI, Malta Joined Group of PEIs, established in 1961 and till now it still exists by organizing various events successfully.  Mr.Robert then explained the IET Portfolio to the Audience.

Another Challenge was given to the delegates named "Local Network VIP Visitor".  Again it was a group challenge comprises on total four parts.  We had to organize an event i.e. an evening Lecture of a renowned engineer at UAE.  Therefore, in first part, we planned the resources by filling the "Additional Resource Request Form".  In my Team, we were total four members (
Group No.E or 6 (Left to Right):  Mr.Jonathan Obiegba Onoriode, Nigeria Local Network, Ms.Janice Man, Barcelona Local Network, Ms.Stefania Cristina, Malta Local Network, Mr.Nouman Abid Chuhan, Islamabad Local Network) and one mentor from the EMEA (Mr.Christos Christou).  We submitted the ARRF to the EMEA Team for evaluation.

After taking the Lunch Break at Kitchen-6 of the JW Marriot Hotel, a workshop was conducted by Mr.Rhys Phillips Member YPCC named "Design Thinking Workshop".  It was again a group activity.  It was also a group activity and we have three members in my group (Mr.Mike Petersen Head of Sales EMEA, Mr.Sam Presley Member YPCC and Mr.Nouman Abid Chuhan, Islamabad Local Network).  We were also provided a customer Ms Chara Anderou Member YPCC.  We interviewed her to record her product requirements, analyzed, then interviewed second to get more deep detail and finalize our design.   Then some stationery material was provided to us to make a prototype according to the customer requirement (a foldable luggage).  So we made the first prototype according to our design.  Mr.Christos Member EMEA and Ms.Laura Member EMEA mentored us in our design.  After finalizing the design, each group has presented their design and same was evaluated by the customer.  From our group, Mr.Mike explained the design product which was accepted by our customer.  Our design was highly appreciated by the audience as well by a big round of applause. smiley

Mr.Sultan Ahmad from Saudi Arabia Local Network delivered his presentation on 10 year Anniversay of his Local Network, in pictorial form and explained each picture side by side.  Mainly most of events were organized by their IET OnCampus KFUP Network at their campus.  He also explained that during 10 years, there was a break for some time in their activities and then they again re-united and organized some very exciting events.  Ms.Zakia Nawaz Member OnCampus Team UAE briefed the volunteers about their major event i.e. Robotics Cup (TBC), a Tournament of Robots arranged at UAE.

After the Refreshment Break, CC-EMEA Team started a Training Session on IET Communities Tools, i.e. Plus4Events, Marketing Toolkit and Engineering Communities.  Hands On practice was done by each Volunteer.  The Trainer for Plus4Events Tool was Mr.Imran Ansari, the trainer for Marketing Toolkit was Mr.Christos and the trainer for Engineering Communities was Mr.Robert Allen.  I, personally, focused more on the Plus4Events Tool because i knew enough about other two tools.  I am really thankful to Mr.Imran that he trained me with full concentration.

Now the time was of part-2 of the Challenge, Organising an evening Lecture.  In this chunk, my group created the event into the online tool named Plus4Events.  By using this tool, we would be able to create a registration Form alongwith its online web link.  Then we had the automated lists and reports i.e. Attendance List, Feedback Form etc and we had also the rights to manage all these lists, forms and reports.  Very interesting it was.  We also created the poster of A-4 by using the Marketing Toolkit by adding Event Description, Speaker Description, Pictures and venue and contact details.  There was also another feature to include the logo of CPD Hours.  Although we could not found the way in the tool that how could we enter but later on, Team EMEA confirmed that there is a feature and one of the groups has succeeded to include this logo.  Everybody was very happy and excited to learn all about these tools.

After all the presentations, challenges, workshops and trainings, a Panel Discussion was arranged by the CRC and EMEA Team.  The CRC Team includes Mr.Colin Arthur Chair CRC, Ms.Alex Taylor Senior Staff Member CRC whilst CC-EMEA Team includes Mr.Hisham Rojoa Chair EMEA, Mr.Imran Ansari Finance Lead EMEA, Mr.Christos Member EMEA and Mr.Robert Allen Senior Staff Member EMEA.  It was 15 minutes direct Questions Answers Session.  Many Questions were raised by the LN Volunteers to the Panelists.  Same were answered on the spot.

Right after the Panel Discussion the first day of the CV Confernece was ended on 17:30 hrs with the vote of thanks.

After this labourious first day, the CC-EMEA gave an Evening Reception by arranging the Red Carpet Dinner at the same Hotel.  I really liked that to be part of such kind of Dinner.  Because I met maximum Conference Fellows in a very lighter mode.  Right After the Dinner, an Awards distribution ceremony was arranged in the same Hall.  At first, "IET EMEA Team Work Award" was awarded by Ms.Alex Taylor in presence of Mr.Hisham Rojoa to IET Islamabad LN, IET Lahore LN and IET Karachi LN, jointly.  Another "IET EMEA Most Innovative Event Award" was awarded to IET Cyprus LN.  There was also a third and final award.  Frankly speaking, i forgot, i am sorry for it.  If someone know about it, please share with me, i will add later on...  All the CRC, EMEA and YPCC Committees highly appreciated all the Award Winners with a bigh round of applause.  These were the most excited moments.  It was the best networking place/time as well.  I met many volunteers and exchanged the views, including, Ms Sachini Yapa Chair YPCC and other Members YPCC, Mr.Tom Trustee etc.

During this whole day, i had also done a little bit chit-chat with the IET Staff Ms.Jan Rackham PATW Coordinator, Ms.Poppy Seamarks Event Coordinator, Mr.Robert Allen Community Manager, Ms.isabella Mascarenhas YP Manager, EMEA Volunteers Mr.Hisham Rojoa, Mr.Imran Ansari, Mr.Christos, Mr.Ebrahim Mattar, Mr.Jawad Ullah, Mr.Owais Ahmed and many others.


The Conference was restored on 09:00 hrs by Mr.Charis Andreou Member CC-EMEA at the same venue.

A very informative and interesting presentation on "Introduction to Technical and Professional Networks (TPNs)" was delivered by Ms Janice Man Member CRC and Member Aerospace TPN and Member Barcelona LN.  She elaborated by the slides that LNs have geographical boundaries whilst TPNs have no boundaries.  The LNs are general whilst TPNs are discipline specific.  The LNs have their own CCs whilest TPNs have their own CC.  The LNs arrange their own events whilst TPNs arrange their own.  That, LNs and TPNs may arrange an event jointly to address a discipline oriented event that requires a more specific information on a particular discipline of Science, Engineering and Technology.  If a LN needs to get the services from a specific TPN, then they just need to contact the Community Manager of that specific TPN either directly or through LN's Community Manager.  It was the most interesting chunk for me besides the Plus4Events Tool Training.

Oh!  same four parts Challenge again entered into the Conference at once.  Now it was the 3rd part i.e. Reports and Metrics.  After creating the poster and event link, now it was supposed that the lecture has been delivered by the renowned Engineer and now my group has to fill the Metrics Form and Write a Report either by using Plus4Events Tool or simple MS-Word Tool.  Again same were submitted to the EMEA Team for evaluation.

Next was the presentation on "Negotiation Skills" by Mr.Hisham Rojoa Chair CC-EMEA.  By giving various practical examples, he tried to elaborate that what are the constrained, due to which, a conflict may arise and how same can be resolved/killed.  The best answer was the Negotiations.  He further explained geniously that how can one find the negotiations common band in result of a conflict between two parties.  He urged that one should precisely and accurately try to find out this common band and it must be well understood that the negotiations can only be done in this band, other wise, any conflict can not be resolved ever, means, negotiations can not be done.  I wish that a small workshop might also be arranged after this lecture.  But anyways  it was quite interesting.

After this mental work,  EMEA announced the Refreshment Break.

After the break, another LN presentation on IET Activities in the African Perspective, was delivered by Mr.Norbert Edomah Member EMEA.  Then another LN presentation on IET Activities in the European Perspective was delivered by Mr.Christo Memer EMEA.

Mr.Terry Dawes of Switzerland LN was called to deliver a lecture on "Crisis Management".  Although it was too lengthy and highly stuffed but still it was very very informative.  He emphasized that every professional organization and professional must make their own Crisis Management Plans so that in case of any emergency including human, natural and Technical etc., a dedicated Crisis Team of an organization could react according to plan to manage well that Crisis.  He further explained the concept by defining three phases of Crisis Management, first is Pre-Crisis Phase, second is Crisis Response Phase and third and last is Post-Crisis Phase.  The Audience, i.e. LN Volunteers acknowledged it, discussed some relevant examples being practiced in their countries, i also gave the example of National Disaster Manager Authority (NDMA) of Pakistan, that now same has been realized and Govts are giving importance, likewise, Organizations are also giving importance.  Same is also an essential requirement of International Standards Certifications like ISO etc. 

What is this now!  Ha Ha Ha Ha.....   At once, same four parts Challenge appeared.  Now it was the fourth and final part of the Challenge.  Thanks God.  Now it was just the announcement of the result that how each group had performed in previous three parts.  Mr.Imran Ansari discussed about each group evaluation results and finally Group No.C or 3 was declared as the winner.  Each Member of the Group was awarded a Voucher worth GBP.150.00 to purchase any IET Books or other Material online.  Mr.Imran further told that the competition been ramained very close and the Group No.3 could win just by one extra effort that is to insert the CPD Logo.  Oh!  My Group No.6 just missed the same one.  Anyways, everyone was happy and congratulated the Group No.3.

Then Mr Hisham Rojoa took the Questions and get the feed back from the participants of the Conference as open session.  Volunteers raised various conference related questions and got the answers and also they gave some suggestions as well.  After this activity, the IET CC-EMEA CVC 2017 was ended by the closing speech by the Mr.Hisham CC-EMEA Chair and with the vote of Thanks.  Mr.Hisham told the House that it is his last CVC as the Chair CC-EMEA.  Therefore, whole the LN Volunteers highly appreciated the volunteer efforts of whole the Team CC-EMEA during their Tenure and wished them Good Luck for the future. smileyyesheart

On 12:50pm, Lunch Coupons were distributed and group pictures were taken by the Volunteers with other Volunteers and Staff.  What a happy ending moments that were.  It was really a great event...

Congratulations to Team CC-EMEA...

Note:  To view the clicks of this event, please click here.