1 minute read time.
What is the IET Nuclear Technical Network and the topic areas?Technical Networks (TNs) are driven by groups of volunteers who work or have expertise within specific topic areas. TNs share and advance knowledge through various activities you can get involved in. The Nuclear Engineering TN is made up of an overall committee and 4 sub groups and we're looking for new volunteers!!

Topic Area 1 - Enabling carbon reduction through Nuclear

Includes Small Modular Reactors, Nuclear New Build and developing the sustainability ideas for our existing nuclear facilities.

Topic Area 2 - Security and safety on nuclear facilities

Focus on how security (physical and cyber) and safety requirements (nuclear & environmental) are achieved and demonstrated on nuclear facilities

Topic Area 3 - System Engineering and Innovation

Consider how the nuclear industry can be innovative in its approach, sharing learning from other sectors and collaborating to develop ideas for technological innovations.

Topic Area 4 - Operating & maintaining ageing nuclear facilities

Focus on the operation and maintenance of our existing nuclear facilities, the challenges and the opportunities available.

What are the roles for volunteers?


 - Topic area lead

 - Topic area deputy

 - Communication/Media lead for the topic area

 - Topic area members

What are the benefits of Volunteering?

Volunteering Brochure – this covers all volunteering roles at the IET (Technical Networks are on page 12)

Why volunteer – this page provides some useful info about the benefits of volunteering

How do I volunteer to join the Nuclear Technical Network?

email: NuclearEngineering@ietvolunteer.org with details on what group you would like to join and why

If you have any questions on the group, volunteering, or anything Nuclear related, please send an email to the same address