1 minute read time.
For many years ‘The White Book’ has been distributed to all IET members in Scotland as the vehicle to disseminate

information regarding events and contacts within the Scottish network. It has in the past been a very successful way

to disseminate information.

Things have of course moved on in the online age and for several years within the various committees there has been discussion of how to try and disseminate information more efficiently to our members.

Web pages and email alerts have become the more standard way to inform members of events.

Although cost was a factor in our deliberations it was not the only factor that was considered in the decision to stop sending out a hard copy to each member. We also had to take into account the amount of members who can access this information online. We have over the years tried to quantify this number and although never getting a definite answer it is thought to be very high or even extremely high.

With these two points in mind we have had to look at the overall cost/benefit to all members of disseminating information in this form.

The white book is still to be produced in hard copy to be distributed to those members that wish it and is also to be distributed at meetings

I hope this reply has allayed some of your concerns and just to recap there is no intention to cut hard copy communications to members without access to email/web but we must identify who actually requires this means of communication and not go to the expense of sending it to every member to catch a small percentage who actually require it.

Paul McKenna

Executive Chairman

IET Scotland