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It is with great pleasure to report that after the visit and discourses presented by the IET TT LN Executives ( Chairman David Drakes and Treasurer, Anthony Chadee) to the students and faculty members of the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT), the IET Panel has recommended that the UTT  programmes receive 5-year accreditation status.

 The programmes presented for accreditation were:
·        B.A.Sc. Utilities Engineering, Mechanical Option
·        B.A.Sc. Utilities Engineering, Electrical Option
·        NETD Electrical/Electronic Engineering 
·        NETD Instrumentation Technician

The IET Panel was extremely impressed with the quality of the programmes and hence will be recommending that the accreditation of  UTT programmes be backdated by 3 or 5 years.

Great job and congratulations to the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) in achieving this international benchmark.