5 minute read time.
As we have been awarded the honour of being the host country for the IET Present Around The World 2015 Americas Regional Finals, currently scheduled for July 2015, it was appropriate to have a launch event to kick-off this prestigious competition.  The newly formed Young Professional Section was instrumental in planning and executing the lauch, with the aid and guidance of members of the LN executive, however, it was clear that our YPS team did an excellent job.

The morning started out quiet amidst the preparations of setting up the new IET banners, arranging the IET marketing material and ensuring that there would be no technical issues when the event started.


(Ahmad, David and Anarion prepare the presentations for the launch)


(Display of IET branded marketing and informative material for the members of the audience)


(YPS Chair Faheema Baksh networking with an early audience member before the launch)

The event was managed by the Vice Chair of the YPS, Greg Manohar, who introduced the need for the launch as well as provided an overview of the YPS and PATW events to the members of the audience.



(Greg addressing the audience at the beginning of the launch)

Our Chair of the LN executive, Eng. Anthony Chadee, welcomed the members with an insight into the actions of the Local Network, our current goals and mandate as well as reinforcing the achievements made by Faheema Baksh, during he competition of the PATW events last year.





(Anthony addressing the audience)

Eng. David Drakes, our Vice Chair, provide a brief and poingnnat review of his experience with the 2014 PATW competitions and it was clear that the LN executive's involvement was pivotal to the successes achieved.  He introduced Faheema, was is not only the current winner, but has progressed to become the YPS Chair and has taken up the responsibility to encourage other persons to participate in the 2015 events.





(David address the audience and introducing Faheema)


(Faheema injected excitement and youthfullness into the launch)

Faheema's story was inspriational and resonated in the minds of the young professionals present as they listened to her journey and growth from competing in a local event in Trinidad, to her participation in the Americas Regional Finals and finally the experiences gained that culminated at the Global Finals in London.  It was evident that the PATW events provide a unique opportunity for young members to grow and learn, to be influenced and inspired and to want to volunteer.


(David provides an overview of the IET membership and its value)

I was asked to provide an overview of the various events, in addition to the PATWs that were being planned for the Trinidad and Tobago LN (and by extension the YPS) during the 2015 year and it was refreshing to recognise the excitement and interest in our plans for International Professional Registration semnars, green energy seminar, IET Women's Network event, Health and Wellness event, IET Connect event and the IET membership meetings.

In addition, I demonstrated the ease in which one could navigate the IET website and identify various types of  information, dependent upon whether one was a student, apprentice, engineer, technician, etc and also took the opportunity to highlight the Caribbean Communities MyCommunity page which would enable anyone to communicate directly with members as well as keep abreast of our activities and accomplishments.

The current advantage packages for new and existing members was noted as a current benefit that the IET has implemented.

Anthony spoke about the key benefits about joining the IET and becoming a volunteer in the network and provided an indepth insight into the paths of becoming a registered engineer and technician through the IET's CEng and IEng routes, amongst the other international professional registration titles awarded by the IET, through licence by the ECUK.


(Anthony fields questions and comments from the members present)

Colin Chase provided an overview of the Young Professionals Global Challenge competition (and this was reinforced by the numerous YP Global Challenge leaflets that were given out ealier) as well as reiterating the importance of being professionally registered.

Ahmad Mohammed also noted the additional professional registration title of Chartered Manager and its importance in an engineer's career.

Although the aim of the event was to launch the 2015 PATW events, Faheema and the past Chair of the LN, Deoraj Beephan, recognised the opportunity to encourage women to initiate a women's network.


(Faheema and Jennifer and others interested in forming the IET Women's Network)

Special thanks must be made to the manager of the  Drilling Academy, Kevin Durham, for allowing the launch to held at his facilities.



(Cross section of the members of the audience during the launch)

Networking after the launch provided an opportunity for members of the audience to engage with the LN executive as well as the YPS and became an integral component of the event as it provided personalised interactions with persons interested in becoming members, participating in the PATW, achieving professional registration or simply arranging for an IET event at their institution or business.




