2 minute read time.
Present and Future Robotics In Space Applications

Technology & Innovation Centre, 99 George St., Glasgow, United Kingdom. G1 1RD 

Date: 29th – 30th October 2015

Symposium Chairs

Dr. Gianfranco Visentin, Head of Automation and Robotics Section, European Space Agency, and Professor Xiu T Yan, Director of SMeSTech, Strathclyde Space Institute

It is an exciting time for robotics. Robotic systems are increasingly being used in dealing with the challenges of space and other extreme environments where it is impossible to have a human presence or where robots can accomplish new tasks that humans cannot.

This Space Robotics Symposium, organised by Strathclyde Space Institute and SMeSTech provides a platform for researchers to share innovative research and application findings in this rapidly-evolving field. This Symposium aims to provide a platform for researchers, academics, industrialists and engineers to share the latest developments and future ideas or position papers in robotics. It is intended to run this Symposium by inviting researchers, industrialists and other who are interested in the topic and wish to present their ideas or work undertaken. It is also aimed to provide opportunities for European researchers to present and explore some potential research ideas with a view to develop them into possible research project proposals for the upcoming Horizon 2020 calls under the Strategic Research Cluster (SRC) in Space Robotics Technology. It is also planned to compile works into a formal proceeding published after the Symposium. New extended abstracts of papers on robotics are solicited for presentations and discussions at the symposium and full papers will be included in a book to be published.

The Symposium will cover a range of topics including, but not limited to:

Orbital robotic design, modelling and simulation;

Manipulators, end-effector design, modelling for tele-operations and tele-presence;

Applications and trends in linked fields of space and terrestrial robotics;

Robotic Control Operating Systems, robotic operating systems (ROS);

Planetary Rovers, Airborne Robots, Satellite Robotics, Micro/Nano Robotics;

Estimation and Learning for Robotic Systems, Artificial Intelligence;

Human-Robot Interaction, Humanistic Interfaces, Human-Robot Cooperation;

Mobile Systems and Mobility, Planning Algorithms, Robot Perception;

Latency in space robotic handling and control;

Autonomy & Control systems, Distributed Control & Communications;

Swarm Robotics, Cooperation, Superscalar and Multi-Agent Systems;

Field Robotics, Navigation and Localisation;

Electronics and Mechatronics for Harsh Environments.

Submitted papers will be reviewed and accepted ones will be programmed for a 20-minute presentation. A poster session will be held to facilitate networking.

In addition, several research idea exploration sessions will be organised to facilitate the networking and project proposal matching among delegates with similar interests in presenting and exploring research ideas of mutual interest.

Who should attend?

Researchers, academics, and industrialists working in space robotics or general robotics or

related fields;

Researchers, academics, and industrialists interested in the present or future of space robotics;

Anyone with an interest in working with other potential partners to develop a research proposal

for a future European project;

Anyone interested in intelligence, autonomy, or other robotic fields;

Anyone looking for a career in this exciting and rapidly-evolving field;

Anyone interested in commercial opportunities for innovative technologies.

The IET Scotland Spaceport talk is included as an evening lecture.