2 minute read time.
With the launch of our new Continuing Professional Development (CPD) monitoring scheme, we are working hard to raise awareness of the many different types of activities that can count towards your CPD.


Through the IET, you have access to a comprehensive range of high quality knowledge resources, which can provide an excellent source of CPD.


To highlight this, we have designed a CPD logo which will start to feature across many IET products and services that can help contribute towards your on-going professional development.

1. The CPD logo will feature on knowledge resources, such as the E&T technical articles and E&T white papers. There is no set amount of CPD you may obtain from accessing these types of knowledge products; it will depend on how much you need to learn.

For example, if you simply read a technical article in E&T magazine and make some notes in your CPD record, it may be 30 minutes of CPD. If, however, you follow links within the article and delve further into the subject matter, you could easily build up a few hours of CPD.

2. The CPD hours logo will feature on IET products and services with a set duration to indicate how many hours of CPD can be obtained. For example, you will start to see it on IET events, courses,  and E&T webinars. It will also feature on attendance certificates and, where possible, you will be reminded to record the activity in Career Manager afterwards too.

Don’t forget that if you are an IET volunteer, much of that work is likely to contribute to your professional development, so make sure you include it in your CPD record.


We have developed six categories for you to record your CPD against. These are:

- Training

- Work experience

- Academic study

- Volunteering

- Events and seminars

- Self-study (such as reading, internet research, etc.)

If you take a moment to think about what you are doing at work this week, you will most likely realise you have done something from at least one of the above categories that contributes to your CPD.

By keeping a simple record of your CPD online using Career Manager, you can easily extract a report of all your CPD activities. This provides a powerful tool to demonstrate your commitment to keeping up-to-date with the profession and can be shared with your employer, colleagues and clients, etc.

Furthermore, being part of the IET’s CPD monitoring scheme shows your commitment to demonstrating that you are meeting not only your individual CPD needs, but the CPD standards set out by your professional body, the IET.


The IET’s CPD monitoring scheme is voluntary, so if you want to be part of it you need to opt-in. You can do this by sending an email to cpd@theiet.org with “Opt-in to CPD Monitoring Scheme” in the subject line and include your name and membership number.
  • Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
    Hello Maurice,

    Thank you for your comment.

    The IET’s new CPD Monitoring Scheme considers both input (hours) and output (reflection) measures. We believe that reflection – i.e. a statement of what has been learnt / how it has been applied, etc. is the most important measure of how effective any CPD activity is. The measure of hours has been introduced to provide guidance to members regarding how much CPD might be appropriate as a minimum (e.g. 30 hours per year and 10 hours per year for retired members). Of course, the ultimate answer to the question ‘how much CPD is enough?’ is that you should do enough to ensure you have the relevant skills and knowledge to reliably perform your job and remain up-to-date in your field. This will vary from person to person and also at different stages of an individual’s career. We know that many members do far more than 30 hours per year.

    The introduction of the CPD monitoring scheme is to provide improved guidance and feedback for members. The associated marketing campaign and introduction of the CPD logo is to help increase awareness of just how many different activities can contribute towards CPD and encourage / remind members to record the CPD activities they are undertaking.

    The IET is not prescriptive in the types of CPD activities members should undertake. The CPD logos highlight the many resources available to members through their IET membership (many of which are free) that can contribute to CPD. CPD activities from other external sources are of course perfectly acceptable too. The logos with hours simply state that a course / event / webinar can contribute towards CPD and provide an indication of the number of hours that may be recorded. As I said, the reflection statements are the most meaningful measure but the hours are useful too and many members who have started to use the new CPD recording functionality in Career Manager are finding they are pleasantly surprised just how many CPD hours they have built up already this year.

    Kind regards

    Caroline Shipp