1 minute read time.
As the UK General Election fast approaches, I came across this article which suggests that IoT devices will soon be able to predict elections better than opinion polls.



ea04297b7a90fa14d4476faea85338c9-huge-polls.pngOpinion polls have taken a bit of a bashing over the last few years, incorrectly calling the US 2016 election and in the UK where they have twice been badly wrong, even in the binary yes/no referendum of 2016.


e5f9dc15103b35db41895e92ce82b0cb-huge-listening.pngThe article posits that IoT devices will be able to listen to our thoughts and actions in the privacy of our homes, allowing pollsters to more accurately predict how we will vote (and even if we will or not) This would dispense with disparity between what we say and what we actually do, which is one of the major causes of incorrect polls.

This idea of course, raises the age old issue of privacy; I’m sure many of us wouldn’t want our private conversations available for polling companies or other market researchers or advertisers to hear.


What do you think of this hypothesis? Will IoT be the newest polling kid in town?