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On the 29th July 2019 the local Joint PEI Committee successfully arranged a visit to the IMG Boeing Factory 2050 site based on the Sheffield Business Park which is located on the outskirts of Rotherham.This is a very high tech, leading edge, Manufacturing Research facility which explores many new Manufacturing Techniques using Robotics, AI, AR & VR.

They have a strong presence in the Aerospace and Automotive industries but also a surprising link with the construction industry with new build housing with companies such as Laing O'Rourke.

Following a general introduction by Alan Chater, representing the Joint PEI committee, a presentation was undertaken by Ryan Diver from F2050 about the development of the AMRC from its origins overviewing its development over the last 10 to 15 years. The new F2050 site was commissioned around 2015/16 and is laid out in cells assigned to develop a varying range of new manufacturing techniques. Their key objectives are to deliver high specification / high precision products and components which the Aerospace and the Automotive industries use to increase production rates but also upgrade their respective manufacturing quality to deliver higher integrity products.

The tour of the facility was well organised as we split in to 4 teams of 8 so that we could ask questions as we walked throughout the facility and had a quick overview from the guides on what each cell was undertaking.

Our sincere thanks go to F2050 for allowing us to once again visit and for accommodating an evening event after their working day.