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We weren’t going to let the snow stop us – find out more about the MMwave and ThZ colloquium held on 1st March in Austin Court


Despite the ‘Beast from the East’ causing more than a few travel issues and some very cold delegates and organisers (!), the IET Colloquium on Millimetre-wave and Terahertz Engineering & Technology 2018 went ahead last week in Austin Court, Birmingham.

The delegates who battled the cold to make it, heard a diverse and interesting programme  with speakers from the QMUL, Lancaster University, the Science and Technology Facilities Council and of course the University of Birmingham. The last minute amendments even meant we were able to hear about the University of Birmingham’s new facilities, which a lot of the speakers were then interested in visiting!


During the breaks, delegates also had a chance to speak to National Instruments, our supporters for the event, about their latest products


Thanks to all the speakers, who were so flexible with the slightly amended programme, the volunteers who organised the event and all the delegates who made it through the snow!