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With the recent increase of global warming around the world we begin to wonder what we can do to bring a change and reduction to it before it causes a catastrophic event which can’t be undone.
That’s why GE volunteers and some Student Volunteers from IET Mahsa On Campus(OC) in conjunction with Earth Day 2019 decided to organize a mangrove planting event, which would see the volunteers plant a total of 500 Trees and gain useful knowledge on Mangroves.

The main goal of this event was not only to plant trees but also to create awareness to the volunteers on the importance of tree planting and the positive effect it has on the society.

Research and studies have placed mangroves amongst the most important ecosystem in our planet, they make up a transitional region between land and sea anchoring our shorelines while strengthening the coastal ecosystem against hurricanes, Tsunamis, & even floods. Mangroves absorb massive amounts of Carbon from the atmosphere to combat climate change & also adapt to rising sea levels.

During this event the OC focused on planting a particular specie of mangrove which is called Bakau Minyak also known as Rhizophora Apiculalata. Rhizophora apiculata is a species of plant in the Rhizophoraceae family. Its Tree is 20-30m tall, with a dark grey and checkered bark. It’s visible stilt roots that can extend 5m up the stem. Often also with lots of aerial roots emerging from the branches so that the tree appears to have a skirt of roots under the leaves.

Before the volunteers began planting, they were shown a demonstration on how to carry out the planting. Planting started at 9:30am and finished at 2pm.